About "THE CREAM" color variations

If you want to master shoe polish, you cannot avoid choosing the right cream. There are secrets that only a shoeshiner's perspective can tell you. It will surely harmonize with various things.
The first product born from the shoeshiner's point of view, which is the basis of Brift H products, is the nutritional cream "THE CREAM". There are many nutritional creams for leather in the world, but our goal was to create "the best cream for shoes that can be worn for a lifetime".
To achieve this, the ideal cream would have the ability to penetrate into leather, retain moisture, and provide just the right amount of shine to improve the waxing process. I will introduce the ingredients another time, but today I would like to talk about the color variations of THE CREAM.

THE CREAM is available in a total of 10 colors, and one of the main features of THE CREAM is that it is colored only with dyes. Since normal shoe creams contain some pigment, the pigment remains on the surface of the leather after application to improve color retention and to cover up (hide the surface of the leather), making it easier to achieve a uniform finish.
This is fine for shoes with stains or scratches, as the pigmented cream will look better, but our goal was to achieve a "natural finish" after application. By using only dyes to add color, there is no residue on the surface of the leather after application, and the "grain" of the leather is not destroyed, and the color can be naturally added. This formula is definitely the best for high-end shoes and distinctive leathers.
We also match all colors to the colors of the famous shoes that we often polish. For example, BURGUNDY is Alden's NO.8 cordovan color, MEDIUM BROWN is Edward Green's dark oak color, and CARAMEL BROWN is J.M.Weston's tan brown color. The colors are made from a shoe polisher's point of view, but strangely enough, the colors made for such famous shoes are often quite versatile and can be used perfectly with other similar colors. Since this is a dye-only cream, it is fun to grow your favorite color as the leather is dyed little by little.

In fact, THE CREAM is entirely handmade. It is a craft cream, not a craft beer. Our representative, Mr. Hasegawa, colors the cream using a top-secret recipe. We also label and fill each product by our own staff, one by one, with love and care.
Brift H's THE CREAM, made in Shonan, located between the sea and the mountains, will surely extend the life of your shoes and help them age healthily. If you want to master shoe polish, you cannot avoid using this cream. Please give it a try.
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THE CREAM (3 monotone colors)

THE CREAM (two red colors)

THE CREAM (two brown-light colors)

THE CREAM (brown-dark brown 3 colors)