Online shoe shine tips

Thanks to you, it has been over a year since we started our "online shoe shine" service, and many customers have been using it. This time, we will introduce some tricks for small "problems" that cannot be solved by shoe shine alone.
Thanks to you, it has been over a year since we started our "online shoe shine" service, and many customers have been using it.
Among these requests, we receive not only shoe polishing, but also many additional requests such as "I need you to do something about the mold that has grown," "I need you to fix the stains and craters caused by rain," and "I want scratches to be made less noticeable," so this time we would like to introduce how we can make your shoes look nice.

First of all, if mold has grown, it will take root deep into the leather, so we recommend washing it with water to clean the inside of the leather.

You can change this to a Wet cleaning course for an additional 4,400 yen. First, the shoes are washed with water, then polished, thoroughly washed to the inside of the leather, and then dried in an ozone dryer while sterilizing it. This will prevent mold from reappearing as much as possible.

There are no more traces of mold and you can wear them comfortably again. Sometimes the shoes can be cleaned just by polishing them, but if there is a large amount of mold like this, wet cleaning is a must. Also, considering the risk of future recurrence, it is better to wash them with water.

Next, there are shoes with craters caused by rain. There is also a salt-spew phenomenon. The surface of the leather is uneven, so it cannot be removed by simply polishing the shoes. This will also be fixed by adding Wet cleaning for an additional 4,400 yen when washing with water.

First, wash the leather to make it wet, then remove the craters. Washing with water refreshes the shoes, making them look nicer and more comfortable. This time, the shoes were goat leather, so we did the treatment carefully.
The surface is nice and smooth. Goat leather is generally a durable leather, but the surface becomes delicate when wet, so crater removal must be done carefully.

The oil, grease and salt residues were also removed. After rinsing with water, apply plenty of cream and polish thoroughly.
Please leave any troubles that cannot be fixed by shoe polishing alone to us. If you have any other problems or concerns, please fill in the order sheet when you make your request. We will solve anything that can be solved by shoe polishing at no extra charge, and if the problem cannot be solved without adding a different menu, we will contact you with a quote.
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Online Shoeshine Service